Pardon our mess
We're currently re-organizing the Family Voices United website to make it easier for you to find great content, real stories, tools, and more. In the meantime, you may find broken links and content reconstruciton underway.“How can foster care create an affirming and supportive environment for all those who identify as LGBTQ2S+?”
People with lived experience in the child welfare system deserve to be a part of efforts to change the system. Family Voices Untied aims to amplify the voices of those with lived experience through the Share Your Perspective (SYP) question. Your responses will be gathered and published in our SYP paper, which can be a great way to engage and advocate at the local, national and state level. Join us in the effort to improve the foster care system. We look forward to hearing what you have to say!
The Power of Kinship Placements
Read What People with Lived Experience Say
See what young people, parents, and relative caregivers have to say on the following topics:
Get Updates from the Campaign
If you believe the voices of youth, birth parents, and relative caregivers must inform child welfare policies, join us! You'll receive updates about Family Voices United, including regular opportunities to share your perspective.Help spread the word!
Do you know a young person with experience in foster care and/ or the child welfare system who is looking to impact change?
How about a birth parent or relative caregiver that is interested in advocacy?
Let them know about Family Voices United, and help us elevate the voices of those with lived experience expertise!