Family Voices United asked current and former foster youth, parents and kinship and relative caregivers:
“When a youth leaves a foster care facility or institutional care (like a treatment center), what supports will be most helpful for them to integrate back into a family setting?”
Some key themes that came out of the responses we received to this question:
Permanent connections to supportive adults
Opportunities to engage in Peer Support
Support for Family and Youth to make transition plan together
How to use this paper
Did you know Family First Prevention Services Act encourages placement in a family home? For youth who may need short-term treatment or interventions, there are new requirements to ensure quality care under Quality Residential Treatment Programs. One of the biggest changes is requirements to include family in treatment planning and support for the young person and family as they transition back to a family setting. Other changes include independent assessment, trauma-informed models, requirements for medical staff, and increased court oversight. Our hope is that the recommendations captured below inform how a young person and their family are supported in transitioning from any facility or institution, not just the new QRTPs. If you are interested in using the quotes or perspective contained in this document or if you would like to bring young people, parents and relative caregivers to your event or project, email the Family Voices United team at info@familyvoicesunited.org or call 503.717.1552.