Listen as Family Voices United members share best practices in constituent engagement. Learn how constituents are taking action, getting involved, and building the movement! Click here to listen!
Podcast Features:
Zoe Jones-Walton, FosterClub Young Leader from Texas
Victoria Gray, GrAND Voices Network Member from Arizona
Angelica Elias, Birth Parent National Network Member from Airzona
Family Voices United is a campaign dedicated to ensuring the voices of those with firsthand experience are heard across the child welfare system. We bring together the voices of young people, birth parents and relative caregivers - so we can inform other folks in the child welfare field including policymakers and other stakeholders.
Over the past several years, we’ve seen a rise in constituents with lived experience having deep involvement in system change efforts, including most recently, Family First Prevention Services Act. In this podcast, we get to continue the conversation - hearing from three constituents on how to best engage constituents. Constituents share what authentic engagement looks like, tips/advice for those looking to engage constituents well and discuss what language welcomes and values constituents.
Resources & Events mentioned on the podcast:
Children's Trust Fund Alliance
After celebrating 30 years, the Children's Trust Fund Alliance is announcing their new name (formerly known as the National Alliance of Children's Trust & Prevention Funds)
Calling All Birth Parents: The Birth Parent National Network is recruiting for new members (view the flyer which includes 2020 events)
5th Annual Birth Parent National Network Virtual Convening & Other BPNN webinars are available at ctfalliance.org.
Generations United:
- State of GrandFamilies Report - A Place to Call Home
- Call for Public Comment from Federal Advisory Council: Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Respond by February 7th!
National Foster Care Youth & Alumni Policy Council's (supported by FosterClub, Foster Care Alumni of America and Casey Family Programs) new resource:
Historic Opportunity for Reform: Youth & Alumni Priorities on Preventing the Unnecessary Removal of Children from their Families - available at nationalpolicycouncil.org
Want to get involved? Share your perspective at www.familyvoicesunited.org
Have questions? Email info@familyvoicesunited.org