Listen as Family Voices United members share how legal representation can make a difference for families. Learn how constituents are taking action, getting involved, and building the movement! Click here to listen.
Podcast Features:
Sharon Olson, GrAND Voices Network Member from Minnesota, Minnesota Kinship Caregivers Association, Member of Federal Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Council, Children's Justice Committee and Sherbourne County Safe Child Council
Michael Huesca, Birth Parent National Network Member from California, CEO of POPS (Paternal Opportunities Programs and Services), Member of Birth Parent Advisory Committee
Emilio Swann, FosterClub Young Leader & Youth Mentor with ProjectWE in Las Vegas, NV
For the first time, states can now claim federal funds to help pay the costs of attorneys representing certain children and their parents in child welfare legal proceedings. Before this change, federal funds were available to help pay for attorneys representing child welfare agencies, but not for children or parents’ attorneys. Although this is not currently available for kinship/relative caregivers, we are hopeful the voices of constituents will demonstrate the need.
Resources & Events mentioned on the podcast:
Generations United:
Legal Network of Kinship Attorneys - sponsored by Generations United, American Bar Associations Center on Children and the Law and Child Focus, Inc. If you're an attorney who represents kinship families - contact abeltran@gu.org.
Birth Parent National Network's Opportunities:
5th Annual Virtual Convening: Prevention Across the Continuum: - December 3, 2019
October Webinar: The Family First Prevention Services Act: Recent Developments.
National Foster Care Youth & Alumni Policy Council's (supported by FosterClub, Foster Care Alumni of America and Casey Family Programs) new resource:
Historic Opportunity for Reform: Youth & Alumni Priorities on Preventing the Unnecessary Removal of Children from their Families - available at nationalpolicycouncil.org
Want to get involved? Share your perspective at www.familyvoicesunited.org
Have questions? Email info@familyvoicesunited.org