There is increasing interest in engaging lived experts in the development of law, policy, training, and organiza- tional leadership. Before diving in, it is important to think through the why, who, what, when, and how. The NACC has provided a tipsheet for authentically and intentionally engaging people with lived experience in the foster care system.
Engaging people with lived experience takes time, thoughtfulness, and openness to shift from how things were done previously. People with lived experience are so much more than their personal stories; they have a lot of insights and powerful ideas. Make sure that you are providing them with the agency and power to challenge all stakeholders involved and bring change, and that you aren’t bringing them in at the end for a stamp of approval. Before going into the who, what, when, and how, start with the why. Start with your why, your organization’s why, and reflect on what is needed from there to ensure that you are engaging lived experience experts in the utmost authentic and intentional way.